The DLC is titled "Missing Link" and will feature Adam Jensen after an unexplained three day absence, trying to escape from a freighter. However, don't despair, the promise of DLC for the game is reward enough, right? The answer was eventually found lurking with the RSS (news) feed code, and the air of mystery dissipated quite quickly. The more resourceful of the bunch, and arguably more impatient, took to the Deus Ex website and started sniffing through the website coding. The problem is however, rather than a slow drip feed of information coming forth, eager fans descended on the 'game' and tore it to shreds. Curious clues and codes started popping up, begging to be followed, explored and investigated. Comments If we head back a few days, Square Enix started releasing mysterious bread crumb trails in an attempt to tease and torment Deus Ex fans.