We also get lots of interesting tidbits from the developers, offering some insight into the direction of our return to Thedas. I'm also convinced one piece of concept art features Dorian Pavus underwater (because we absolutely need more Dorian), and if we end up going to Tevinter as the ending of Dragon Age Inquisition suggests, it would make so much sense.

Hearing from various BioWare developers working on the game, the video gives us a look at how the team are creating this new adventure, complete with some gorgeous concept art and very brief glimpses of game footage showing off different vistas and locations. Yes, we still have to wait it out for quite some time yet, but it's exciting to know a next-gen Dragon Age game is on the way. Set to land on next-gen consoles with no concrete release date just yet, Casey Hudson introduces the video by saying that the team "has been imagining new ways of using next-generation technology to bring the world of Dragon Age to life", and also confirms that the game is currently in the early stages of production. During Gamescom Opening Night Live, Bioware gave us a helping of Dragon Age 4 goodness with a behind-the-scenes look at the next adventure.